Yo Beeman,
The last few days have been interesting. My focus has been directed on working from the past to create an ultimate future. Optimistic? Crazy? Probably, but I'm creating head movies in these letters here. So go with for a second now friend. Cinema has been tethered to a strong mechanical industrial heritage of being by the people for the people and with the people. A democratic idea, images of early cinema tests come to mind. Something about Workers Leaving the Factory, from the last industrial revolution, film has been a media obsessed with the masses. Well, just hear me out Beeman, I'll tell you what, film is tethered to large mechanical roots. Both conceptually but physically as well. When Audio was introduced to film there were ridiculous measures taken to try and perfect what we now know as dubbed films. Aka any movie ever to have dialogue ever. I guess what I am getting at is that cinema has been a double bladed sword since its creation. Film frees humans to capture the beauty and drama that creates a sort of collective narrative. Film is a literal foot print proclaiming loud and proud to generations to come. Filmmakers yell from the depths of obscurity "LOOK HERE! WE WERE ALIVE! WE LOVED WERE LOVED AND DIED ALL IN THE BLINK OF AN EYE THROUGH THE SANDS OF TIME!" This is where the digital revolution comes in for me. The film bellow is without a doubt propaganda for the RED One Camera, but through the majesty of the revolution it is well made and thought full. Not because of convenience or resolution but instead because of the passion of the people who put together this small documentary. I hope you enjoy.
whoa, how'd you get vimeo to post?
ReplyDeleteWhen making a post you have the option to edit the HTML of the post. HTML is like computer language. Here you can cut and paste HTML codes to produce embedded videos. Just play with your posts a little bit. Once you decode the ways of HTML the sky is the limit.
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